Binaural Beats – Only Listening can change your life .

What can music do?

Binaural Beats- What can music do? Can Music Increase Your Creativity? Can it Improve Your Focus and Concentration? Can your analytical and reasoning skills increase? Can it improve your retention? Is there enough power in music to remember whatever you read?

The Power of Music

If you think YES music has such power, then you are quite right because music has so much power to really change your thinking. Turn your dreams into reality. Activate your conscious and subconscious mind.

Why is it important to understand The psychology of music and Musicology?
So in this chapter we will learn

Binaural Beats

  • About binaural beats.
  • About the science behind them.
  • about their effect.
  • And about 5 types of state
  • We will know Delta State,
  • theta state,
  • alpha state,
  • beta state and
  • About Gamma State.

Question and Answer – Binaural Beats

What can Binaural Beats do?

This Beat can do wonders in your life. Can drive away your stress and anxiety. These beats can help you in your Self Awareness and Motivation. It will also help you to activate your subconscious mind.

A lot of research/study has proved this. You will find many examples who have brought a huge improvement in their life by using Binaural Beats. So let’s understand what is Binaural Beats?

What do Binaural Beats mean?

Binaural Beats are those which produce vibrations in both the ears at different beats.
Binaural means two ears. You know that music travels in the form of a sound wave and reaches our brain. Our brain receives that wave.

How do Binaural Beats work?

Before understanding it is very important for you to understand the science behind it. Binaural Beats send waves of two different frequencies to your brain by putting them in different ears. Because now you hear the beats of two different frequencies. So it is obvious that one of them will have more frequency than the other. So what happens then?

So it happens in such a situation that what is the difference between high frequency and low frequency beat. Due to that difference, our left and right brain communicate with each other. Then due to the difference of frequency, the harmony between left and right brain is created.

Because of this, the level of a hormone called cortical present in our body is low. Your stress and anxiety goes away. Increases sex drive and fertility and increases your IQ “intelligence quotient”.

What studies says about Binaural Beats ?

A study also proved that those who practiced Binaural Beats, their IQ improved/increased by how much? Do you know ? 23% improvement. Talking about the benefits of Binaural Beats, you will be surprised to hear. It has so many benefits, it has a huge list.

What are the Benefits of Binaural Beats ?

Benefits of Binaural Beats.
in managing pain
to concentrate
in self-improvement
For Motivation
Can cure insomnia
To lose weight
To bring up Memory Recall
For meditation.
to study
to break an addiction
In eliminating stress and anxiety.
To grow creativity
In doing health improvement
in being energetic
to visualize
For Self Awareness
Do not know what, you cannot even imagine, it has innumerable benefits.

What are the types of Binaural Beats ?

So let’s know further about the types of Binaural Beats.
5 Types of Binaural Beats
There are 5 types of Binaural Beats, there are five states.

Are binaural beats harmful?

answer in one word is NO. It is obvious that every problem starts with the mind and Binaural Beats is directly related to the brain. So why wouldn’t there be so many benefits? But just as there is no medicine for every disease, similarly Binaural Beats are also not of the same kind. Just like medicine. As is the problem, so is the solution. There are different types and different effects. So let me tell you which Binaural Beats are necessary for you.

You will find all these Binaural Beats on the Internet. You can also find them on YouTube, you can download them and listen to them.
So understand one thing that what are the benefits of which state.
lets Proceed…..

What is Delta State ?

DELTA ( 1 Hz – 4 Hz )
The first state is the delta state when the difference between two frequencies is 1 to 4, that means there is a difference of four hertz. For example, suppose you are listening to a frequency of 502 Hz in one ear and 499 Hz in the other ear, then this difference is the difference of three hertz, this is the delta state.

what are the benefits of the DELTA waves?

Advantages of the DELTA STATE
Practicing Delta State is very good for those people who have the problem that they have so many dreams that they get nervous and wake up from sleep. It is essential for a good sleep and good dreams. You can control your physical and emotional pain. Self awareness helps to know about oneself. Delta state helps in activating your subconscious mind.

What is Theta State ?

THETA THETA ( 4 Hz – 8 Hz )
The next state is theta state – whose frequency difference is between 4 and 8 .

what are the benefits of the THETA waves?

Theta state is useful when you want inner peace. Are you looking for peace in the runaway life, doing deep meditation or want to get rid of any addiction.

What is Alpha State ?

ALPFA alpha ( 8 Hz – 13 Hz )
The third state is the alpha state – when the difference between two frequencies is 8 to 13.

what are the benefits of the ALPHA waves?

Benefits of the ALPFA State
Its advantage is that it teaches your creativity focus learning. Produces Serotonin in your body, makes you feel good, gives you a feeling of happiness, whenever any work in which you need focus, concentration, creativity, you can use alpha state before doing that work.

What is Beta State ?

BETA ( 13 Hz – 30 Hz )
The fourth state is the beta state when the difference between two frequencies is between 13 and 30.

what are the benefits of the BETA waves?

Its advantage is that it increases your motivation. You can listen to this whenever you feel demotivated. It alerts you more. It also helps in meditating. Increases your problem solving ability. Increases your sexual health.

What is Gama Waves ?

GAMMA Gamma ( 30 Hz – onwards )
The last state is the gamma state when the difference between two frequencies is more than 30 Hz.

what are the benefits of the GAMA waves?

Advantages of GAMMA STATE
This is the state in which you move towards your higher awareness. Increases your intelligence, now you feel connected to the society. Your self-control increases.

How to use Binaural Beats?

Now let’s talk about how to use it. You can choose according to the area you want to improve. In the beginning, start listening for a while. Start before 10 minutes. Gradually, when you get used to it, you can increase your time.

When to Use Binaural Beats?

You can listen to it before doing any work. For example, before you have to study, you can do it for focus. You can listen after work. For relaxation, for self awareness. You can also listen while working.

How much to use Binaural Beats?

When you start using it you will feel for yourself that when you have to listen, how much to listen. You will be able to make this decision on your own. When we start any new thing, give some new medicine to the body, it is initially uncomfortable. Maybe your brain is not used to it, which you will find uncomfortable in the beginning. But in a few days it will become normal.

How Brain respond to Binaural Beats ?

The brain may take time to understand the effect of these beats. When we start listening to these beats, new neurons are formed in the brain. Feeling connects with the mind. Some old feelings can also be awakened. Some old feelings can be remembered. But don’t worry it’s noise. This noise is momentary. As you go on listening to it, gradually your mind will be in harmony and the noise will stop.

What Are the Equipment Required for Binaural Beats ?

Equipment Required
If you want to take advantage of these bits, then the most important device is a headphone or ear phone, because the sound that is coming in one ear should not come in the other.

Do binaural beats work without headphones?

Binaural beats creator advice using earphones / Headphones for maximum effect. It is very important that your headphone should be stereo, not mono. Not that the same sound is playing in both. This sound of binaural beats should be heard separately in your left ear and separately in your right ear.

Conclusion :-

A German Philosopher said :-

“Without music life would be a mistake”

After using these Beats you will also feel that life without music is really a mistake.

You should also understand the relationship between music and spirituality.

Spirituality in music / Importance of Spirituality in Music – Yes or No!

So come on in this article, that’s all, in this blog of mine you will find articles with lots of information related to music. You can go and read them too. Whatever your interest in music, you want to increase your knowledge about music, you can definitely do it in this website.

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